If you had the choice of detecting or preventing cancer, which would you choose?

We serve individuals seeking 100% safe, early detection, with a focus on prevention.

Do You Know:

Breast cancer does not start in the breast, but as processes that go awry in the body, i.e. gut dysfunction and/or dental issues under the gum line that are unknown to the client or their dentist. These sources of inflammation and “junk” can drain into the breasts, contributing to cancer risk. As a result, most woman choose to add the abdomen, back and face to their first-time breast imaging to:

… address the source (inflammation), not the symptom (cancer).

Abdomen, back and face imaging supports early detection and prevention by revealing sources of inflammation in the body that may be contributing to chronic inflammation, symptoms and (future) conditions.

Abdomen, back and face imaging every 3-5 years is of particular importance to check for the slow-growing teeth/jaw infections impacting the health of most Americans. While most of these infections are unfelt and undetectable by dentists, we enable men and women to learn of them and dental resources for diagnosis and treatment:

… adding years to their life and life to their years.

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